Josh Ochs
I'm Josh Ochs, I travel the country teaching students how to shine online
My online safety books are available on Amazon and my message teaches parents and students how to use their devices with a purpose, not just a past time
I talk to students about their future, instead of telling them what to do
Instead of lecturing students on how to behave online, Josh talks to students about their future and how their digital footprint can have an impact. Josh shows students why they need to use social media with a purpose instead of a pass time. When students become ambassadors of their own digital safety they begin to make smarter choices online.
I show students the positive side of social media
The negative effects of social media on teens and tweens can be obvious for parents and educators but there are rarely discussions around the positive impact of social media. When Josh speaks at your organization, he’ll show students how social media can be used to create a positive resume of accomplishments.
Showing students and parents where their online footprint can take them in the future
A student’s online footprint can shape their reputation—and their college opportunities—in ways they might not anticipate. Using real and engaging stories, Josh shows students and parents how their digital footprint can help or hurt their future.
My social media techniques have been shared on national news outlets
About Josh Ochs
Josh Ochs is the author of 6 books that teach people how to shine online and he teaches Tweens and Teens how to be safe and smart on social media.
With a background in marketing at Disney and a love for all things technology, Josh Ochs combines both to help teens and tweens use social media as a portfolio of positive accomplishments. Josh travels the nation speaking to over 30,000 students each year sharing with them tips they can use to create a positive online presence. Josh’s book: “Light, Bright and Polite for Teens” teaches kids of all ages that everything they post on social media will eventually be discovered by their parents, teachers, their school Principal and someday colleges and employers. He shows families and teenagers practical examples they can use to always keep it “Light, Bright and Polite” on by posting photos of community volunteer projects that will help them shine online. Watch some of his videos at
Josh has been quoted and featured as a source in Forbes, CBS News, KTLA, KFWB radio, is a guest lecturer at USC and UCLA and a frequent personality on radio shows nationwide. He lives and works in Long Beach, CA.